Nutrition Management for Kidney Disease Patients

Healthy kidneys help regulate the amount of water, minerals and electrolytes in your body. A proper diet is essential for everyone, but especially important for patients suffering from chronic kidney disease (CKD) and end-stage renal disease (ESRD). Your kidneys work around the clock 24/7, 365 days a year. Those with diminished function need to adjust their diet to maintain the delicate balance. If you are on dialysis, your diet needs to change even further, because the dialysis machine can’t completely replace the constant work your kidneys do.
A proper diet can help you manage your CKD and potentially prevent the disease from progressing or developing in the first place. Of course not every case is preventable, but eating better in general will help you live a higher quality life. 
This class will provide basic nutritional advice for patients who are in the early stages of kidney disease all the way through end-stage renal disease and transplantation. To navigate the class use the arrows at the bottom of the page or the navy blue block with the outline to the right.  

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